View Last Year’s Exhibition
Each year the Tampa Museum of Art invites Hillsborough County art teachers to submit a student’s artwork for the Young at Art Student Exhibition. The Museum celebrates the creativity of this year’s submissions from students in kindergarten through eighth grade. We would also like to acknowledge the dedication and support of the visual arts by the educators, school staff and administration, the Hillsborough County School Board, the Hillsborough Education Foundation and the families and friends of the artists.
Important Dates
Friday, December 1, 2023
On or before complete the online submission form at artfulevaluation.com
Friday, December 1, 2023
On or before, Deliver work to Laura Hobby (Public Schools only)
Saturday, December 23, 2024
On or before, deliver work directly to TMA (Private and charter schools)
January 13- March 17, 2024
Exhibition on view
Sunday, January 21, 2-4pm
Reception, Remarks at 2:30pm
Submission Guidelines
- Enter one (1) artwork PER SCHOOL* from public, private, or charter elementary AND middle schools in Hillsborough County. If you’re at two schools, you may enter one (1) piece of art from each school.
- *Schools with elementary (K-5) and middle school (6-8) students may submit (1) elementary work and (1) middle school work.
- NO group projects are accepted.
- NO 3-dimensional works accepted.
- NO photographs of artwork accepted. (change from past year’s exhibitions)
- Only 2-dimensional works accepted.
- Maximum size INCLUDING mounting or matting: 9” x 12”
- Securely mount work to either poster board or mat board. (Work only mounted on construction paper is damaged easily.)
- Don’t laminate or have exposed staples or tape.
- Make sure any collaged pieces are securely attached.
- Complete the online entry form! Then, write the students name and school on the back of the work. Submissions without online forms will not be accepted into the Museum.
- Make sure your school’s name is written prominently on the portfolio/envelope containing the art work. This will help the museum repackage artwork after the exhibition.
- All guidelines must be followed and online entry form completed or work will not be accepted.
Artwork Delivery Options
- on or before December 7 – Deliver work to Laura Hobby, Art Supervisor, ROSSAC, Route 7, Each school’s submission should be packaged in a padded envelope along with Fine Arts Festival and Florida State Fair submissions. If not being hand delivered, please allow 3 days for school mail, making the mailing deadline Friday, December 1. (public schools only)
- on or before Saturday, December 23 – Deliver work directly to TMA (private and charter schools)*
*Art work must be delivered through the security entrance on the north-east corner of the building.
Artwork Pick-Up Options
- Week of March 25 – Work returned to teachers through school mail (public schools only)
- Starting March 25th – Pick-up work from TMA by appointment only (private and charter schools)*
*Deadline to pick-up artwork directly from the Museum is Monday, April 8th